1. Ngành Computational and Applied Mathematics
Applied Graph Theory
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Petr Kovář, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description Often, graph theory can be used to efectively describe a real life problem. Then, methods and general techniques can help to find a solution of the original problem or its part. The goal of this thesis is a systematic study of a specific problem, its description using graph theory and finaly the analysis of the results obtained as well as a careful examination of constraints to which the theory can be exploited.
Detection methods of dynamic properties of mechanical systems
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description There are many phenomena in engineering showing periodic, quasi periodic or irregular, chaotic patterns. The main aim is to research those phenomena on suitable systems using standard and new methods.
Development of efficient algorithms for identification of contacts in engineering problems
Supervisor doc. Ing. Martin Čermák, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description In engineering practice, contact boundary conditions can be encountered wherever you go, and there are several software packages, both commercial and academic, which allow these problems to be solved. An important problem, which needs to be addressed prior to solving contact problems is the very identification of contact edges/boundaries or surfaces of bodies, which are considered in the given problem. In this dissertation, the student will become familiar with problems of mechanics, which consider contact boundary conditions, description of contact boundaries for similar and dissimilar meshes (Mortary, the InterNodes method) and notably with methods which are provisionally known for identification of contacts. Upon the study of the so far published methods and algorithms, the student will choose the most optimal method for its implementation in Matlab followed by its implementation in the PERMON software package. The resulting implementation will be tested on a series of real problems.
Discrete Optimization Methods
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Petr Kovář, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description Often, methods of Discrete Mathematics can be used to efectively to implement algorithms that are used to solve real life problems. The optimization includes both the algorithms as well as their implementation on a parallel machine. Todays fast solvers include dozens of "tricks" which result in a significant boost of computational performance. The goal of this thesis is a systematic study of parallel methods, the optimization of certain steps using methods of discrete mathematics, in particular, an optimal distribution of the computational load over many nodes of a parallel machine, and finaly the analysis of the performance on selected instances.
Discrete dynamical systems on a lattice
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description The study of discrete dynamic systems created on the lattice type space have a big potential, namely in connections with the cellular automata. The main aim is to research dynamical properties of systems generated by coupled lattice maps given by classical and new models; the study will be supported by massive simulations.
Mixed finite element method for elastoplastic problems
Supervisor doc. Ing. Martin Čermák, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description Problems of elastoplasticity are non-linear problems, which have been solved for several decades, and its scope has been increasingly extending along with increasing precision of computations. In numerical computations, the finite element method with linear and quadratic elements is predominantly applied. The problems of elastoplasticity have recently started to be also solved using mixed finite element methods, which allow us to solve problems which were at least problematic to be solved using finite element methods. The student will become familiar with elastoplastic problems, classical and mixed finite element methods, and methods for solving non-linear problems as well as with state-of-the-art solutions of elastoplastic problems and finite element methods. At the beginning, plane-stress elastoplasticity will be addressed using Matlab with its further extension. The resulting efficient implementation will be programmed into the PERMON software package.
Quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the solution of differential equations
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description The theory of differential equations is used for modelling through the scientific fields. Relevant models, or solutions of suitable differential equations are showing stable and unstable behaviours. The main aim of the thesis is to study analytical and simulation tools that quantify dynamical properties of differential equations.
Quantitative characteristic of the solution of difference equations
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
Thesis language English
Description The theory of difference equations is used for the modeling through the scientific fields. Relevant models, or solutions of suitable difference equations are showing stable and unstable behaviors. The main aim of the thesis is to study analytical and simulation tools that quantify dynamical properties of difference equations.
2. Ngành Computer Sicence
Algorithms and Data Structures for Parallel Processing of Genetic Data
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Gajdoš, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Analysis of Image Data in the Area of Gene Mapping
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Gajdoš, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Analysis of Non-symmetrical Relationships in Complex Networks
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Miloš Kudělka, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Compression of Data Structures
Supervisor prof. Ing. Michal Krátký, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description Compression of data structures enables us to shrink their size in the main memory as well as disk. Moreover, it can be also a method reducing the query processing time. Current methods often utilize only trivial compression algorithms like RLE. The main goal of this thesis is an integration of novel compression methods into a DBMS kernel.
Cost-based Optimalization of Relational Database Queries
Supervisor doc. Ing. Radim Bača, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description The query optimizer is one of the critical relational database components. The optimizer looks for the cheapest plan for an input SQL query. The possibilities of query optimizer can be significantly improved, despite the decades of research and development, since they perform poorly even for simple SQL queries. The selected query plan is dependent on a query syntax even though the SQL language is declarative. The reason for such a situation is a general design of the query optimizers and a large number of possible query plans for a typical SQL query. Development of approaches allowing more straightforward query optimization is still an open problem.
Effective, Fast and Adaptive Strategies for Evolutionary Computation
Supervisor doc. Ing. Roman Šenkeřík, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description This thesis will be focused on the study and development of fast, effective and self-adaptive strategies of either evolutionary algorithms or swarm-based algorithms for a wide class of optimization problems. Emphasis will be laid either on the combination, hybridization of various known effective adaptive approaches, implementing many novel handling strategies for population patterns, or the development and synthesis of novel adaptive mechanisms following the trend of parameter-less algorithms. Moreover, due to the popularity of Machine Learning, the focus will be also to development of robust evolutionary techniques for evolutionary machine learning, i.e. algorithms for highly constrained and higher-dimensional optimization problems The evolutionary techniques of interest will be (but not limited to) preferably Differential Evolution (DE) [6], optionally SOMA, Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO) [7], Evolutionary Strategies (ES/CMAES) [1] and more.
Evolution and Interaction of Communities in Large-scale Social Networks
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Miloš Kudělka, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Graph query processing
Supervisor doc. Ing. Radim Bača, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description The graph is appropriate for the modelling of many nowadays problems. Searching of the shortest path or calculating centrality of a vertex represent typical graph operations. There are also less known problems, such as finding a path in a graph based on a regular expression. The problem of these operations on large graphs is their high temporal or spatial complexity. The ideal would be to find a solution that is a compromise between the two extremes. Alternatively, we might want to use the parameter to set the ratio between the spatial and temporal complexity of these operations. A solution with such characteristics is still an open problem.
In-memory Database Systems
Supervisor prof. Ing. Michal Krátký, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description There are some applications which can not utilize the ACID recovery model of DBMS; many operations in DBMS can be processed in the main memory without any support of a persistent data storage. The goal of this thesis is research in the area of In-memory database systems.
Management of cloud computing infrastructure
Supervisor doc. Ing. Roman Šenkeřík, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description This thesis will be focused on the study and development of modern complex approaches for managing cloud computing infrastructure. The preferred one is based on the top down approach. Moreover security and privacy issues, virtualization, migration, server consolidation techniques will be studied within thesis, with the emphasis also to blockchain technology.
Modern discrete versions of the differential evolution algorithm
Supervisor doc. Ing. Roman Šenkeřík, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the differential evolution algorithm for solving optimization problems with discrete parameters; use the information to design and implement effective discrete versions based on modern implementations of the L-SHADE / DISH algorithm and to test new developed strategies on existing benchmark tasks from the DBBOB class and on real problems in cryptography, planning, game theory and others.
Multi-variate Network Analysis
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Miloš Kudělka, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Network-Based Biomedical Data Analysis
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Miloš Kudělka, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Paralel Query Processing in DBMS
Supervisor prof. Ing. Michal Krátký, Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description There are many techniques how to parallelize the query processing in DBMSs: SIMD instructions, GPU, Xeon Phi and so on. Although there are many works in this area, the open problem is an integration of these techniques into a DBMS kernel. The main topic of this PhD thesis is the integration of these techniques into a DBMS kernel.
Parallel and distributed pattern mining using Spark
Supervisor Vo Dinh Bay
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description - Study about pattern mining such as frequent pattern mining, weighted pattern mining.
- Study about Spark for parallel and distributed computing.
- Propose methods for mining patterns using Spark.
Steganographic techniques for multi-secret hiding protocols
Supervisor prof. Dr. Marek R. Ogiela, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description Research should concern of advanced techniques of multi-secret steganography. The main purpose of this research will be to demonstrate the possibility of developing new classes of steganography algorithms, which allow to hide several secrets in a single container. Different techniques should be proposed, which allow to distribute data in independent way using random approaches, or personal keys. Additionally research can be conducted towards evaluation of hiding secrets in chain way, one in another with several iterations.
Subgraph mining in weighted graphs
Supervisor Vo Dinh Bay
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description - Study about subgraph mining in a single graph.
- Study about weighted graphs such as edges and vertices.
- Propose methods for mining subgraph in weighted graphs.
Transformative computing for advanced data analysis and semantic understanding
Supervisor doc. Lidia Ogiela, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Workplace 460 - Department of Computer Science
Thesis language English
Description The research will concern modern transformative computing methods dedicated to data analysis processes. The opportunity to develop new solutions in the field of multi-level analysis based on the use of data interpretation techniques. It will be necessary to use methods of semantic data understanding. An assessment of the significance of the interpreted sets based on semantic techniques also will be proposed. It will be necessary to develop new solutions depending on the analyzed data sets, based on the use of signals from external sources use at different data analysis levels.
3. Ngành Computational Science
Algorithms of numerical linear algebra for new parallel architectures
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Vít Vondrák, Ph.D.
Workplace 9600 - IT4Innovations
Thesis language English
Description Optimization of basic algorithms of numerical linear algebra is currently very essential task to speedup solution process of very complex numerical models. Increasing number of computational clusters allow massive parallel implementation of these algorithms. In addition, many of these algorithms are known by their excellent parallel scalability. One of fundamental changes in accelerating of these computations on parallel computers is the use of accelerators like GPU and similar on each node of computational cluster. However, this needs review of current algorithms and optimization of current codes for use on such systems to sustain or improve the scalability of original algorithms.
Detection methods of dynamic properties of mechanical systems
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 9600 - IT4Innovations
Thesis language English
Description There are many phenomena in engineering showing periodic, quasi periodic or irregular, chaotic patterns. The main aim is to research those phenomena on suitable systems using standard and new methods.
Discrete dynamical systems on a lattice
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 9600 - IT4Innovations
Thesis language English
Description The study of discrete dynamic systems created on the lattice type space have a big potential, namely in connections with the cellular automata. The main aim is to research dynamical properties of systems generated by coupled lattice maps given by classical and new models; the study will be supported by massive simulations.
Quantitative and qulitative characteristic of the solution of differential equations
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 9600 - IT4Innovations
Thesis language English
Description The theory of differential equations is used for modelling through the scientific fields. Relevant models, or solutions of suitable differential equations are showing stable and unstable behaviours. The main aim of the thesis is to study analytical and simulation tools that quantify dynamical properties of differential equations.
Quantitative characteristic of the solution of difference equations
Supervisor doc. RNDr. Marek Lampart, Ph.D.
Workplace 9600 - IT4Innovations
Thesis language English
Description The theory of difference equations is used for the modeling through the scientific fields. Relevant models, or solutions of suitable difference equations are showing stable and unstable behaviors. The main aim of the thesis is to study analytical and simulation tools that quantify dynamical properties of difference equations.
Scheduling sport tournaments
Supervisor doc. Mgr. Petr Kovář, Ph.D.
Workplace 9600 - IT4Innovations
Thesis language English
Description Round robin tournaments are represented using 1-factorizations of complete graphs. There are classical scheduling techniques, describing which teams will meet in which round. Yet, scheduling real life tournaments poses additional requirements that are not met by the classical scheduling techniques. Moreover, incomplete tournament can have further nice properties balancing difficulty for teams of different strength. In 2014 the number of different 1-fatorizarions for 14 vertices (teams) was established using a supercomputer, there is 10^18 such non-isomorphic 1-factorizations. To find the best schedule using brute force traversing all 1-factorizations for 16 or more tams seem not possible. Yet, 1-fatorizations on a limited set can be examined. The goal of this thesis is the theoretical analysis of 1-factoriations with further requirements as well as a parallelized search for such factorizations with restrictions.
4. Ngành Electrical Power Engineering
Multi-carrier energy hub management
Supervisor doc. Ing. Zbigniew Leonowicz, Ph.D.
Workplace 410 - Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Thesis language English
Description Development of the energy hub concept, where the whole of energy system is investigated instead of individual management of energy carriers such as electricity, natural gas and so on. It also combines renewable energy source with a nonrenewable source to minimize carbon emissions for an environmental objective. The main question in the optimization of energy hub operation problem is that what is an optimum arrangement of energy components in each time for providing demands with minimum cost. Task: Modelling and optimization of energy flow in a hub system, which investigates the flow of energy carriers in an integrated system by considering technical constraints of each system.
Optimalization of Ferromagnetic Arc Chute of Low Voltage Circuit Breaker
Supervisor prof. Ing. Radomír Goňo, Ph.D.
Workplace 410 - Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Thesis language English
Description The student will solve the shape and material modification of ferromagnetic gratings of the arc quenching chamber and its suitable location around the contact system of the LV circuit breaker. He will use the finite element method for his work.
Securing of Reliable Electric Power Supply
Supervisor prof. Ing. Radomír Goňo, Ph.D.
Workplace 410 - Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Thesis language English
Description The student will develop the new methods for increasing reliability of electrical distribution networks.
5. Ngành Communication Technology
Study and Analysis of 5G and VANETs Integration for IoV QoS
Supervisor Peppino Fazio, Ph.D.
Workplace 440 - Department of Telecommunications
Thesis language English
Description Given that the 5G cellular network can be considered as an efficient way to connect vehicles to the modern radio technologies and realize nodes ubiquity, the network infrastructure should be huge enough to obtain the proper QoS level, especially in terms of message delivery. In addition, for the small scale communications, the modern available technologies (such as IEEE802.11n, IEEE802.11ac, etc.) should be also taken into account. Both Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) and Next Generation Cellular Networks are able to reach high transmission rates, and their integration should take the advantage of the features of both technologies. The main aim of the dissertation is focused on the study and proposal of new approaches for 5G/VANET integration, able to guarantee a proper level of QoS during mobile sessions.
6. Ngành Cybernetics
A New Control Strategy for Shunt Active Power Filters
Supervisor doc. Ing. Radek Martinek, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description This dissertation is focused on SMART street lighting system for power quality monitoring from the perspective of adaptive current control strategy for three-phase shunt active power filters. Nowadays, under the pressure of so-called SMART city concept, demands are placed on power efficiency and consumption reductions. Extended SMART functionalities, such as intelligent management systems, sensorics, electromobility, security or even entertainment are slowly expanding conventional solutions. The concept of SMART Street Lighting apart from its intended illumination functionality provides other technologies, such as internet connectivity or various sensors. These SMART light sources are operating 24/7, which cause instabilities in power grid and influence power quality. The number of higher current harmonics increase significantly, thus causing a number of problems. This dissertation primarily focuses on testing of adaptive system (using adaptive filtration) on real measured data from BROADBANDLIGHT SMART testing polygon. This polygon consists of various SMART technologies, such as camera systems, sensorics systems, charging stands, entertainment systems, parking assistance systems or even communication systems.
Architectures of Multithreaded Applications for Modern Multiprocessor Mobile Devices
Supervisor doc. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description téma DiP vychází z aktuálních trendů diskutovaných v IF časopisech: 1) Springer "International Journal of Parallel Programming" (IF=1,156) 2) Springer "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing" (IF=2,395) 3) Elsevier "Pervasive and Mobile Computing" (IF=2,349)
Control of hydrogen technologies systems
Supervisor doc. Ing. Bohumil Horák, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description Hydrogen technologies are an important part of the energy infrastructure and will play an increasingly important role. The use of hydrocarbon-hydrogen-hydrogen-like properties as energy carriers makes it possible to increase the efficiency of technological systems and puts increased demands on their management. The scope of the thesis will be research, development, prototype implementation and verification of parameters and properties of systems enabling production, distribution and / or energy utilization of hydrogen. The solution is established and is being carried out in cooperation with Unipetrol, Heliocentris, PROTON Motor, Ned Stack and Univ.Birmingham, KIT Iceland and ICT Prague.
Control systems for electromobility
Supervisor doc. Ing. Bohumil Horák, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description Energy is the incantation of the 21st century. Electromobility and the use of electric-powered vehicles have a long tradition in the Czech Republic. Electromobility development with the use of renewable and alternative energy sources can bring a vision of long-term sustainable development. Electric vehicle technology control, charging and discharging processes can have a significant impact on the future development of the society.
Design of Advanced Algorithms for Evaluation of Synchronous Phasors (PMU)
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Bilík, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description The topic deals with the design and testing of algorithms for the so-called Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) for accurate evaluation of synchronous phasors especially during transition processes. A closely related issue is the design of methodology and implementation of PMU precision testing. At present, there is no commercial tester to comprehensively assess PMU performance (eg TVE, latency, etc.) with international standards.
Evaluation of data from intelligent buildings for the purpose of control and condition prediction.
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Bilík, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description Intelligent buildings provide a large amount of operational data (measured values of temperature, humidity, CO2, energy). This data can be used for efficient building management, for calculation of unmeasured quantities and also for prediction of future development of quantities. This data evaluation can contribute to greater energy efficiency of smart buildings and greater comfort for residents.
Intelligent methods of power management in embedded systems
Supervisor doc. Ing. Michal Prauzek, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description The topic focuses on modern energy management methods in embedded systems platforms that can acquire energy from a variety of sources (solar cells, vibration converters, wind turbines, etc.). The aim of the study is to develop energy management methods that are comprehensively implementable on embedded platforms that are limited by computing power.
Machine learning methods for optical product inspection
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Bilík, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description As production quality requirements increase, so does the requirement for automatic evaluation of visually visible defects / defects on products. This very often leads to very complex algorithms that are not able to respond to the diversity of input data, making conventional methods unusable in practice. The developing direction of recent years in this field is Deep Learning, a classification of image based on learning. In this area it is mainly the development of fast learning methods that can learn from sample sets with a low number of samples.
Methods of detection of products defects by optical inspection.
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Bilík, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description In industry it is often necessary to check complicated 3D objects. It is expected to use a scalable network of sensors, thus allowing large parts or parts with complicated surfaces to be covered. Combined with machine learning algorithms, this procedure provides faster and more accurate control. The aim is to develop algorithms capable of analyzing data from several optical sensors using data sensor fusion methods and to develop learning algorithms to customize control methods for different types of parts.
Smart Cities Power Quality Evaluation
Supervisor doc. Ing. Petr Bilík, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description Increasing levels of electronic appliances (LED lighting, drive inverters, photovoltaic inverters, e-mobility charging stations) in distribution networks are bringing increasing levels of high-frequency disturbances spread over the line. Measurement and evaluation of interference in the 2-150 kHz frequency band is little researched, there is insufficient knowledge of levels, and the occurrence of such interference in distribution networks. The scope of the work is the development of measurement techniques and methods for measurement in distribution networks.
Smart Principles Implementation for Platforms of Mobile Devices
Supervisor doc. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description téma DiP vychází z aktuálních trendů diskutovaných v IF časopisech Springer "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing" (IF=2,395) a Elsevier "Pervasive and Mobile Computing" (IF=2,349)
User Adaptive System
Supervisor doc. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D.
Workplace 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis language English
Description téma DiP vychází z aktuálních trendů diskutovaných v IF časopisech Springer "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing" (IF=2,395) a Elsevier "Pervasive and Mobile Computing" (IF=2,349)